SoundIo Member List

This is the complete list of members for SoundIo, including all inherited members.

SndAsyncStart(bool sink, bool source, ErrorInfo *error=0)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndAsyncStop(void)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndClose(void)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndDequeueIBuf(sio_sampnum_t nsamples)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndGetFormat(SoundIoFormat &format) const =0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndGetIBuf(SoundIoBuffer &fillme)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndGetOBuf(SoundIoBuffer &fillme)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndGetProps(SoundIoProps &props) const =0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndGetQueueState(SoundIoQueueState &qs)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndIsAsyncStarted(void) const =0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndOpen(bool sink, bool source, ErrorInfo *error=0)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndQueueOBuf(sio_sampnum_t nsamples)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]
SndSetFormat(SoundIoFormat &format, ErrorInfo *error=0)=0SoundIo [pure virtual]

Generated on Fri Jan 9 05:58:40 2009 for libhfp by  doxygen 1.5.4